15 April 2011

The HR-PES Short Circuit for April 2011

The March meeting on Arc Flash has been rescheduled for May 3rd, same Al Fresco in Newport News venue. The Speaker, Adeeb Hamzey safely returned to the States later than planned, but is back into his normal routine. That meeting will start earlier than the regular PES routine, so that Adeeb can return to the Richmond area that evening.
SoutheastCon was enlightening on opportunities to help Section and Chapter membership grow. Not grow in membership numbers, but grow our members as professionals in the engineering community. One focus is to increase the number of members who elevate in grade from Member to Senior Member. May newsletter will have criteria to elevate, and in June PES will schedule a couple of nights to support submitting all interested and eligible IEEE members of the section (PES Members is not a requirement for this). Contact jennifer.ammentorp@ieee.org if you would like to support this effort. More details and eligibility criteria will be posted in the May segment of the PES Short Circuit.
Another area important to the Section is engagement with our Student sections. This can be a win5 situation for the student, the member, the school, and the employer; as a mentor to even one of our five student sections. Dr. Nare at Hampton University illustrated many benefits to mentoring a student section. This access to entry level engineers is an excellent opportunity for the employer, having a more personal exposure to job candidates. Students get insight into the business culture through contact with mentors from the professional sector, and can improve the skills for entry into the job market. Universities win with an increased number of graduates getting hired, and the company acquires a job candidate who recognizes the value of investing in self development. The section sees higher retention of first year and GOLD members, stimulating the Section program and activities. Two hours a quarter from one member can make a significant difference in Section and Chapter activities.
Thank you for your participation in IEEE. HRPES is open to suggestions for meeting topics and venues that interest you!
Yours in Power,
Jennifer Ammentorp
PES Hampton Roads

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