15 January 2010

Brain Teaser Challenge - "December"†

Space travel has been the spark of imaginary adventures for over a hundred years. Jules Verne wrote "From the Earth to the Moon" in 1864. A popular film today is "Avatar" which takes place on a hypothetical planet some distance away where a very valuable mineral (unobtainium) is in abundance. One of the things that always bugs me about these science fiction stories is that they always underestimate the sophistication of future technology. Avatar is supposed to take place over 140 years into the future, and the military is still flying around in a type of helicopter and firing weapons that have chemically propelled bullets. And the worst thing is that they miss the target most of the time (also true in Star Trek). I am quite confident that in 100 years we will have fire control systems in handheld weapons that will ensure better accuracy, if only to conserve energy. I can imagine that many of you are hoping that in 100 years the whole notion of weapons is obsolete.

Today we improve the accuracy of air dropped ordnance, and reduce collateral damage, by using a target designator system. Can anyone tell me how these work?

Reply to
Butch Shadwell
904-223-4510 (fax)
904-223-4465 (v)
3308 Queen Palm Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32250-2328.

The names of correct respondents may be mentioned in the solution column.
† Our friend Butch volunteers a bit too much, he never quite catches up to the current month.

13 January 2010

January 2010 From the Chair

The Hampton Roads Section had several significant accomplishments this past year. The biggest accomplishment was the creation of our Power and Energy Society (PES) Chapter. We had two student paper competitions, which was done so that we could synchronize the timing of the completion with the completion of a semester at our local schools. I attended the Region 3 SouthEastCon in Atlanta (I got the extra special good deal of spending the night in Detroit that Sunday as I missed a connecting flight). We also experienced significant increases in attendance at our monthly meetings during 2009.

None of this could happen without the effort of several of our members. Jennifer Ammentorp was very instrumental in getting the PES Chapter going. Anton Riedl hosted the first student paper competition at Christopher Newport University and coordinated the second student paper competition. Greg Hodges, who served as the section vice-chair, did a marvelous job in setting up the technical programs as was demonstrated by our increase in attendance at the monthly meetings. My efforts were rewarded (and not by spending an extra night in Detroit), but rather by having these individuals make my job seem easier. We have a lot more individuals that help make the section run and for those individuals I am indebted for their efforts and support.

With all of this said, there remains work to be done. Our Bylaws have to be rewritten to be consistent with the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) bylaws. We will be co-hosting Oceans 2012 and there is a need for an individual(s) to attend and work with our partner, the Oceanic Engineering Society. The section will be celebrating our 50th year as a section in 2011 with special events to be planned. In addition there are several other items that have been talked about in the Executive Committee (ExComm) meeting that we generally have before each monthly meeting. There is work to be done, some of which requires effort of short duration, while other volunteer efforts require a longer duration. All effort is crucial and welcomed.
I am looking forward to this upcoming year for the section. Let any officer know if you would like to volunteer or if you have any ideas on how to help the section grow and meet the expectations of our membership.

Thank you.
James Bolitho
2009 Chair
Hampton Roads Section

The Open Channel for January 2010

Inside The Open Channel
Front Page -A Systemic Study of Atomic Layer Deposition of Platinum Nano-scale Metalization Films and their Application ...
Page 2 From the Chair
Page 3 Directions to Clark Nexsen
Page 3 IEEE Hampton Roads and CHROME
Page 4 Upcoming Conferences
Page 4 IEEE Honors 2010 Class of Fellows
Page 5 SoutheastCon 2010
Page 7 Career Opportunities - Jefferson Labs
Page 14 Electrical Engineers- MacDonald-Bedford LLC
Page 14 Virtual Recruiting Partners - Risk Analyst
Page 15 Relocation Opportunities - C2, C4, IS Battle Command Engineer
Page 16 United Technologies - Principle Engineer - Power Electronics

Upcoming Events

* Feb 14-20 EWeek
* Feb 18 Meeting
* Feb 20 PEC Banquet
* Mar 18 Meeting

This is a 540 KB PDF file. Click here to download

IEEE Recently Announced its Class of 2010 Fellows

IEEE recently announced its class of 2010 Fellows, which consists of members from around the world who have demonstrated an "extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest." They join a group of thousands of other IEEE distinguished Fellows who have contributed to the advancement or application of engineering, science, and technology. The IEEE Board of Directors awards the honor of Fellow to no more than 0.1 percent of the voting membership as of 31 December of the preceding year.

The list of 2010 Fellows is available at www.ieee.org/web/membership/ fellows/2010_fellows_class.html.

11th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference

2010 11th Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - INTERMAG Conference, 17 - 21 Jan 2010, Washing- ton, DC, IEEE Sponsor: Magnetics Society.

First Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies

2010 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - 19 - 21 Jan 2010, Gaithersburg, MD, IEEE Sponsor: Computer Society, Power & Energy Society.

MicroRad 2010

2010 11th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment - 1 - 4 Mar 2010, Washington, DC, IEEE Sponsor: Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.

SoutheastCon 2010

IEEE SoutheastCon2010 - 18 - 21 Mar 2010, Concord, NC, IEEE Sponsor: Region 3, Charlotte Section, North Carolina Council 2010.

March 18-21, 2010, Embassy Suites Concord (Charlotte), NC
SoutheastCon 2010

JOIN US in Concord, NC, right off of I-85 (exit 49) and next door to Lowe's Motor Speedway, to ‘rev up’ your career and find yourself in the winners circle!

IEEE SoutheastCon is an annual IEEE Region 3 Technical, Professional, and Student Conference. It is the premier conference for the IEEE Region that encompasses the IEEE Southeastern United States and Jamaica. IEEE SoutheastCon 2010 brings Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science professionals, faculty and students to share the latest information through technical sessions, tutorials, professional development sessions, and exhibits. It is the most influential conference in Region 3 for promoting awareness of the technical contributions made by our profession to the advancement of engineering science and to the community.

For more information, please see our website at www.southeastcon2010.org


IEEE International Radar Conference - 10 - 14 May 2010, Arlington, VA, IEEE Sponsor: Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society.

Crystal Gateway Marriott
1700 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia 22202 USA
Phone:  1-703-920-3230
Fax:  1-703-271-5212

ICNS Conference

2010 Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference - 10 - 14 May 2010, Herdon, VA, IEEE Sponsor: Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society.

Westin Washington Dulles Airport Hotel
Herndon, VA
May 11-13, 2010