18 March 2010

ICOPS 2010

IEEE 37th International Conference on Plasma science - 20 Jun – 24 Jun 2010, Marriott Norfolk Waterside, Norfolk, VA, IEEE Sponsor: Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

The Open Channel for March 2010

Inside The Open Channel

Front Page The UPS in the Data Center, Trends, Issues, and Solutions
Page 2 From the Chair
Page 3 Directions to Clark Nexsen
Page 3 From the PES Corner
Page 4 Volunteer Judges needed for Regional and State Science Fairs
Page 4 Upcoming Conferences
Page 5-6 SoutheastCon 2010
Page 7-8 Career Opportunities

Upcoming Events

Mar 18 Meeting
Apr 15 Meeting
May 20 Social

This is a 283 KB PDF file. Click here to download

March 2010 PES Corner

It is hard to believe March is here and important IEEE Conferences are just around the corner. Several things are going on for HR-PES Chapter. I am pleased to announce that our tour request of Surry Nuclear Power has been approved (April 7th at 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.). Further, the tour invitation is now open to Section members of IEEE. If you are interested to attend this daytime event please contact me via e-mail by March 15th. Please include the following information in your contact: Citizenship and IEEE member number. Non U.S. citizens do require advance approval by the Plant Director. My Delegate, Glenn Oder will be attending this tour, and there are three more seats reserved for State Delegates. Please contact your Representative and ask them to reserve the date, and join us.
Steve Walk is working on our upcoming meetings include ODU's Solar Decathlon Team to present March 25th, at ODU main campus. Watch the V- tools page for more details on that meeting. April hopes to bring us (in addition to the day tour of Surry) a plant tour of Aetna wire for a plant tour.
Dawn Ostenberg' persistence pays off to get a response from IEEE about Section and Chapters ability to affiliate and support various political action committees. Our specific interest of the moment is the Green Job Alliance and Green Economic Alliance. The Chapter has signed a letter of support for the upcoming Green Jobs Federal Legis
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lative Conference on March 2, 2010. I will attend the morning breakfast event and Dawn Ostenberg will attend the luncheon event on the Southside.
Notes from the PES corner ends with a reminder that our elections will be coming up in early April. While Dawn, Steve and myself plan to continue on for a second term, Tama Littley is unable to continue in the role of Treasurer for a second term. She has done a fantastic job at keeping the books and rather than give you the standard answer of 'Oh, it is only about an hour a week...' of your time. If you are willing or interested to help, or learn more about the Treasurer's position please contact me or Tama for more information. Having one person to handle the books and end of year financial report is important. Please consider taking on this job to keep our new chapter rolling!
HR-PES invites your feedback and suggestions to improve our organization.
Jennifer Ammentorp

March 2010 From the Chair

The Hampton Roads Section Technical Meeting was held on February 18 at Christopher Newport University. Anton Riedl was a most gracious host and the section would like to thank him for providing pizza for us before the meeting. Luke Hargrove of National Instruments gave us a new look into LabVIEW. Like so many companies, National Instruments is very interested in the Green side of our business. They are even giving grants for developing green solutions utilizing their software. That sounds like a good deal. The amounts as I understand should cover the cost of the software that you will need, so if we have anyone out there with an entrepreneurial desire to make our planet greener, this may be what you need.
In March, we will be back to Clark Nexsen, where we will once again be hosted by Kurt Clemente. This month’s topic will be the use of UPS systems data centers. I like when a topic can cover two or more technical interest groups for our membership. I am interested in the current trends in this area. I realize that the UPS have limited capacity and if the data systems shut down, like my PC at home shuts down, then that capacity better increase. Seriously, as these data centers get more complex the need to coordinate our effort with the power engineers becomes even more urgent. Some systems may not be able to shut down and the UPS can bridge the gap until a site diesel can come on line. Likewise, an improper shutdown can corrupt an operating system causing an inability to come back on line once power is restored. This could be costly for a company and you know that users are an impatient lot.
Bob Kugler is meeting with the Marine Technology Society for the Oceans 2012 program and the techsurge program that will occur in June of this year. Bob will provide us with the information as we go forth with this effort. Please be supportive of the section and the programs that will be offered at those times. We have been struggling as a section financially so this will be an opportunity for the section to raise some money while supporting a worthwhile conference. We are looking for someone to be the section’s Secretary. If you are interested, please contact one of the section officers. The Section Secretary acts as the gateway between the Section members and the IEEE, having a leadership role in bringing the needs of members to the Executive Committee. Part of the role involves having accountability and ownership of the records and correspondence of the Section including meeting records, reporting officer changes and submitting reports of committee activities. The Secretary’s role is much more than record keeping – he/she is a steward of the Section’s history and future, bringing critical data to enable decision making by the Executive Committee and deliver real value to members that keeps the Section engaged, relevant and sustainable in the long term. The Section Secretary plays a key role in ensuring that the IEEE members within the Section are engaging in IEEE activities. So please consider this important position.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone in March.
James Bolitho
2009 Chair
Hampton Roads Section