01 June 2008

No Host Networking Opportunity

Ocean View Fishing Pier
newThursday, 26 June 2008 at 5:30 PM

Ocean View Fishing Pier
400 W. Ocean View Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23503

The weather is too great and time too short in the summer to plan and execute full meetings. Consequently, we have summer socials to fill in the void. Take the opportunity to enjoy a local restaurant that could never host a "real" meeting. Selected members of the ExCom will be present, ready to take your comments or answer your questions. We will start about 5:30 PM and most like be out of there by 8:00. Drop by for a drink or stay for dinner. Your choice. Specifics are subject to change due to extreme weather, business closures, or repeal of the 21st amendment, so please RVSP and include your cell phone number. RSVP to officers-r3-hamptonroads@ieee.org or by calling Bill Clayton at 757-383-4707.

More Information

Brain Teaser Challenge - June

Gear Heads

by Butch Shadwell

As I am writing this piece, the Fourth of July is just around the corner. Everyone looks forward to the picnics, pyrotechnics, and patriotism. This is definitely one of the happier holidays on the American calendar, the date that the Continental Congress adopted our Declaration of Independence, in Philadelphia. Eventually, there were 56 signers of this document. These brave men risked everything, including their very lives, to do what they believed was the honest and right thing. I hope our congress men and women of today will reflect on these predecessors during this holiday.

With gas prices going through the roof, holiday travel can be very expensive. As a large part of our energy consumption is for cars, it is important that we understand how to get better gas mileage. Most cars have two or three pedals on the floor. This month I am asking you to tell me which one is the cause of the most loss of fuel economy. Most folks get this one wrong.

Have a great Independence Day, … if you are in the USA that is.